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Accounting office – Płock

Did you know that more and more Polish entrepreneurs are choosing online accounting? If your company is based in Płock, we invite you to cooperate with Open Profit! Our accounting office operates remotely in 100%, so you do not have to travel to meetings or send us documents by post - everything is done by phone or the Internet. We serve micro and small enterprises from Płock: both small companies and individuals on B2B contracts and sole proprietorships. Check out what our accounting office has to offer and what you can gain thanks to us!

Open Profit accounting office offer for Płock

Open Profit Accounting Office focuses on building long-term business relationships with entrepreneurs living in Płock. We support companies in conducting small and full accounting, offer HR and payroll services, help in setting up a business in Płock and offer legal and tax recommendations.

Check out what we can do for you:

  • Accounting services – Is Płock your company's headquarters? Take advantage of our online support: we offer small and full accounting, as well as online consultations and representing clients before administrative bodies.
  • HR and payroll – if you employ employees in Płock, we will help you with HR and payroll duties and support your company in analytical and organizational activities. We deal with, among others, preparing contract templates, calculating salaries and maintaining electronic personal files.
  • Consulting services – our accounting office also provides legal and tax recommendations, including those regarding the employment of associates in Płock or the choice of the form of taxation.
  • Company registration – we also support people who want to start a business in Płock. During the online meeting, our accountant will help you choose the optimal form of taxation and running a business, and will guide you through the entire process flawlessly and without stress.

Płock, online accounting – why Open Profit?

An accountant does not have to work in Płock to reliably manage your company's affairs. A remote accounting office is a proposition for modern entrepreneurs who are open to new technologies that make running a business easier. Check it out opinions of our customers and advantages of cooperation with Open Profit:

  • experience – we have been operating since 2005 and employ over 40 specialists,
  • security – we do not cooperate with external accountants and we have an insurance policy for over PLN 1,000,000,
  • Customer Service Representative – Your affairs are handled by an individual accountant who is also your advisor,
  • saving time – we work remotely, so you can handle all your matters without leaving the office: by phone, e-mail or Microsoft Teams,
  • easy document transfer – via the Dropbox application.

Online accounting is the best choice for micro and small businesses based in Płock. We provide convenience, time savings and support in running a business. Schedule a meeting online, to learn more about cooperation. We invite you!