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Accounting office – Białystok

Welcome to our online accounting office, which specializes in accounting and consulting services for micro and small enterprises. We are committed to building long-term relationships with clients who expect remote accounting services and cooperation with experienced specialists. You are looking for tax office in Białystok? Open Profit is not only online accounting and consulting services, but also the best source of information about the current condition of your company. We will help you set up a company, conduct accounting and provide HR and payroll services as well as professional consulting services. If you are interested in modern online accounting in Białystok – Open Profit is the best choice!



Accounting services, Białystok – why Open Profit?

Białystok is the city where you run your business? Open Profit accounting office will take care of your accounting matters so that you can fully focus on the development of your business. With us you can be sure that your company's finances are in good hands! Check why it is worth using our services.

Dedicated Customer Service Representative

Every entrepreneur choosing ours accounting services in Białystok receives its own Account Manager who conducts accounting and offers tax recommendations. At Open Profit, we do not employ external accountants, and all specialists are recruited and employed by our company.

Availability and flexibility

Our remote accounting Office provides 24/7 access to accounting books - regardless of whether you are currently in... Białystok, or in another city. We serve micro and small enterprises from all over Poland, and thanks to convenient online access, you have constant insight into your accounting.

Convenience and time saving 

Remote accounting services are a way to significantly save time - you don't have to travel to an accounting office or make an appointment with an accountant. We realize that running a business is time-consuming, so we want to keep formalities to a minimum. We do not offer complicated accounting programs - we ensure electronic circulation of documents, which you scan and send to your account manager using the Dropbox application.

Secure online accounting

We do not employ external accountants who, in the event of a problem, are responsible for their actions independently of our company. You sign a contract with Open Profit and we are responsible for security, level of service and your satisfaction. We have a policy for over one million zlotys. With us, your company is safe.

Białystok, Open Profit accounting office – offer

Our remote accounting office offers a wide range of accounting, HR and payroll services. We serve both beginners and experienced enterprises, and we also help in starting a business. We make sure that each client has 24/7 access to their accounting and can get answers to their questions as quickly as possible.

Accounting services in Białystok

Our accounting Office is open to cooperation with micro and small enterprises Białystok and all of Poland. We provide accounting in the form of a book of revenues and expenses, a recorded lump sum, a tax card or full accounting - depending on the chosen form of taxation. We also provide online accounting consultations, assistance with the amount of ZUS contributions and tax settlements, and opinions on contracts. Thanks to ours online accounting services you don't have to hire a specialist in your company or use a complicated accounting program yourself.

Company registration – Białystok

Open Profit is also a place where you can get professional help in starting a business. Company registration in Białystok is not difficult, provided that you can count on the support and advice of experienced specialists. We will help:

  • choose the appropriate legal form of business,
  • choose the best form of taxation,
  • verify the need to settle VAT,
  • register a company online,
  • verify the correctness of the entry,
  • complete formalities related to ZUS.

HR and payroll – accounting office in Białystok

We offer comprehensive HR and payroll services – you can entrust us with the supervision of HR matters, including the calculation of remuneration, as well as the legal and administrative aspects of concluding contracts with employees. When it comes to staff and payroll, our accounting office in Białystok supports clients in the field of:

  • choosing the form of employee employment,
  • preparing contract templates,
  • keeping electronic personal files,
  • preparing and sending PIT and ZUS declarations,
  • preparing payrolls,
  • calculation of remuneration.

Consulting services for companies from Białystok

Are you planning to start a company and need information about it? Or maybe you are an experienced entrepreneur looking for support in hiring employees? We are up to date with regulations and have many years of experience in accounting. In addition to advice on choosing the form of business and taxation, we also provide: Consulting services related to hiring employees or changes in law. We also represent clients before the Social Insurance Institution and the tax office.

Tax office, Białystok – what does cooperation with Open Profit look like?

Cooperation with Open Profit is remote in 100%, so you can use our services regardless of your place of business. All you need to do is sign a subscription agreement with us, create an account at Open Profit and provide us with power of attorney. After analyzing the documents, we will assign you a dedicated Guardian and grant you access to your Dropbox account through which you will send us documents. Our offer is addressed to modern entrepreneurswho do not have time to travel to an accounting office and want to have accounting at their fingertips - on any device with Internet access. We provide both small accounting and... accounting books. Białystok this is one of the cities we serve - thanks to Open Profit's remote capabilities, keeping accounting has never been so easy!